
For those of you that has never heard of Kickstarter, this is the post for you. It is currently in its 3rd year of operations and they have already funded thousands of projects worth millions.

If you have an idea that is viable and you need financial backing, this is the website for you. Hopefully your project gets picked and featured, allowing you to ‘start’ what you have dreamed of all this while.

I have heard of Kickstarter for quite some time now, although I have never really gotten involved with it, most of it was due to the fact that they deal in US$, which is worth about 3 times as much as mine. I was actually searching for a wallet to change my old lumpy one from about 7 years back and I was thinking of having something different, one thing led to another and I found myself staring at this wonderful project, IMHO, on Kickstarter.

Ainste Wallet

Minimalist Wallet
Minimalist Wallet

Doesn’t it look nice? There are a couple more similar ones but I feel that this is the most economical of them all. There is about 1 week left for you to back this project and get one regular size wallet for $35. This would fit nicely in with my new iPhone 5. Oh look, how subtle I made it sound! My new iPhone 5. Haha!

This wallet uses an elastic band to hold the cards and cash in the inner compartment, whilst allowing you to have spare change on the outside. It can also hold your SD card, your thumb drive and at least about 12-16 cards. My only concern was the elasticity of the elastic band and luckily that was solved, when the project manager announced that all wallets will come with an extra band.

Hexels : Settlers of Catan

Modular casing for Settlers of Catan
Modular casing for Settlers of Catan

While having a look around on the website, I found this for my Settlers of Catan game. Anyone having that game would have remembered how time consuming it was to set up the tiles and to make sure they lie flat in the table, with other gamers moving it about while during their turns. But these guys here managed to figure a way to make sure that the tiles stay firmly together perfectly.

What made it stand out was that these tiles could still fit in the box that came with the game! There was a backed project which was made up of 3 big pieces, that were joined together depending on the number of players, it looked pretty nice since it came in wood or aluminum if you so prefer, but it couldn’t fit in the box. This project, on the other hand, does. Which makes it easier to transport and bring around the game wherever you go.

So there you go, these are a couple of projects in which I am a backer. I said am, since the projects haven’t reached their closing dates yet. Both have about a week or so to go, so if you’re interested, do share and join to be a backer!